குருஜியின் ஜெயந்தி விழா 2015
பொன் விழா பெங்களூர் வைபவம் 2008 எழுந்தருளிய பெருமான்

ஆனால் அமானுஷ்யமான வகையில் ,செந்தி ஆண்டவன் அருளால் தன் இறுதி மூச்சு வரை செயலாற்றி,வாழை யடி வாழையாக அன்பர்கள் கூட்டத்தை உருவாக்கிய நம் குருஜியைப்ப்ற்றி அவ்வளவாக எந்த ஒரு செய்தியும் வெளிவருவதில்லை .இந்த துரதிஷ்டமான நிலைக்கு காரணமும் தெரிய வில்லை.சமீப காலமாக சில அன்பர்கள் தனிப்பட்ட முறையில் தங்கள் நண்பர்கள் குழுவிலும் ,வலைத்தளங்களிலும் அளித்து வருவது சிறிது ஆறுதல் அளிக்கிறது.
அந்த வகையில் குருஜியின் ஜெயந்தி யைக் கொண்டாடு ம்இந்த தருணத்தில் நாம் திரட்டியுள்ள ,செய்திகளை நமக்கு தெரிந்த அளவுக்கு வெளியிட ஆவல் கொண்டு மற்றவர்களிடம் பகிர்ந்து கொள்வதில் தவறு ஏதும் இல்லை என்றுகருதுகிறோம்.,அன்பர்கள்பொறுத்தருளி,தவறுகளை சுட்டிக் காட்டி தங்களின் பொன்னான கருத்துக் களையும் அளிக்க வேண்டுகிறோம்.
குருஜியின் குழந்தைப்பருவத்திலேயே செந்திலாண்டவன் அவரை ஆட்கொண்டு தொடந்து அருள் மழை பொழிந்து,அவரை மகான் அளவில் உருவாக்கி ,மற்ற திருப்புகழ் அன்பர்களையும் ஆயிரக்கணக்கில் தெய்வீக தொண்டில் ஈடுபட செய்தான்.
அந்த தெய்வீக நிலையை ,அற்புதத்தையும், திருப்புகழ் அன்பர்கள் அமைப்பு உருவான விதத்தையும் குருஜியின் 75 ஆண்டுகால தொண்டை போற்றும் வகையில் சென்னையில் 2003 ம் ஆண்டு நடந்த வைபவ சந்தர்ப்பத்தில் அருளாளர் V.S.கிருஷ்ணன் தம் வலைத்தளத்தில் அளித்துள்ளார்.
"september 15, 2003. The Sringeri Pravachana Mandapam at Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai, wore a festive look. The hall was overflowing with devotees of Muruga, celebrities from music world, representatives from Mutts, officials, businessmen, journalists and people from different walks of life. They had assembled there to pay reverence to a man who initiated a divine movement and carried it forward with great success.
The person who occupied the limelight was Guruji Sri A.S. Raghavan and the occasion was the celebration of 75 years of his glorious life in the service of the Lord and the movement he helped to strengthen was the Thiruppugazh form of worship. He was conferred the title: "Thiruppugazh Gana Rathnam" a title that came from a great spiritual institution, Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam.
Sri Raghavan was born in 1928 to Sri Subbiah Sastrigal and Smt. Ramalakshmi Ammal at Arumugamangalam near Tuticorin, the sea shore noted for collection of precious gems. Unfortunately, he was affected by polio and all treatments attempted were in vain. An expert in the local system of medicine then came forward and promised to cure him. But he demanded a fee, an odd one at that time. Sensing the boy’s devotional nature, the medical practitioner insisted that the child be dedicated to the service of Senthil Velavan. For the parents, no price was too heavy for the health of their dear one and they readily agreed. Besides, to offer oneself for the service of God was indeed a privilege. As the treatment progressed, the boy started showing signs of recovery.
He was taken to the temple of Tiruchendur. At the very sight of the temple at a distance, the child started running easily at the vast stretch of slippery sands. He feasted his eyes at the splendour and elegance of Lord Muruga. When he returned after the worship, he got the image of the Lord of Tiruchendur firmly embedded in his mind, the image that was to make profound influence on his life later.
After the formal education Sri Raghavan left the eastern shores of Thiru Chendur and reached the western shores of Thiru Chembur. Having settled in Bombay, Sri Raghavan got the opportunity to learn the basics of Carnatic music from Sri Vaidyanatha Bhagawathar. Later Sri Raghavan shifted to Delhi.
Even while doing the various duties expected of him, there was always an urge to give expression to the devotion brewing within. The spark that flashed at Tiruchendur was looking for an opportunity to illuminate.
He felt Senthil Andavan had designed a particular role for him. ‘What was that role?’ he wondered.
He realized that he has been gifted with musical talent to perform that role. Then, it dawned on him that there cannot be a better medium to hail the glory of Muruga than Thiruppugazh. The very word ‘Thiru Pugazh’ (Glory to God) which had already kindled a light of devotion in him, has now awakened him. He then adopted Thiruppugazh as his way of life. It became clear to him that his role is to highlight the glory of Thiruppugazh to all corners of the world. He took up Thiruppugazh study seriously. The more he studied, the more he got absorbed. Gradually it became a total involvement. As the divine grace of Lord guided him through, Sri Raghavan selected certain songs and set them to Carnatic based raga and thala on the lines of chandam.
In his very first song, Arunagirinathar prayed that he should be blessed to sing the glory of Muruga where each word would shine as a precious gem (muthai tharu). Guruji, born in a place rich in gems, composed this song in Koulai Raag. The song 'Andarpathi' has been set to Raag Sindhu Bairavi. Thiru Ezhu Koottirukkai song 'Or Uruvakiya Tharaka' has been set in Darbari Kanada. Thus every song has been set to a particular Raga and Thala. One day, Sri Raghavan sat together with his friends, Sri R. Narayanan, Sri M. Mahalingam and Sri Narayana Swami and the three of them started singing. That heralded the beginning of a glorious chapter in the history of Thiruppugazh.
In the beginning (1958) Thiruppugazh classes were held at the residence of Sri G. Sundaram at Connaught Circus. Gradually more and more students joined and more and more classes were held. Those who learned from Sri Raghavan, received his blessings first and then started conducting classes. Some disciples who left Delhi and settled elsewhere started new classes there. The divine voice of Sri Raghavan that echoed the devotion towards Muruga was heard at many places and picked up by many more students.
“There is no body in this generation who can render the verses of Thiruppugazh in the way Arunagirinathar intended as exactly as Sri Raghavan,” commented Sri Subbudu, the correspondent of The Statesman.
“There is no body in this generation who can render the verses of Thiruppugazh in the way Arunagirinathar intended as exactly as Sri Raghavan,” commented Sri Subbudu, the correspondent of The Statesman.
Arunagirinathar had composed his songs in chandam style. He has composed them by blending the divinity of Sanskrit with the beauty of Tamil. To give every such song a distinct raga, to create an interest in Thiruppugazh songs among the new generations and to create a Thiruppugazh movement across the country was indeed a gigantic task. It involved sparing the precious time and efforts, organizing people and overcoming many obstacles but Sri Raghavan went ahead with determination and succeeded in his mission. “It was like Bhagaritha who brought the Ganga from its source of Siva’s head and reached it to all parts of the country”, said Sri S.K. Ramanathan, President of Pavazha Vizha Celebration Committee, on the occasion of Pavazha of Guruji at Chennai. “I have not done anything. “I was a mere tool in the hands of Senthil Andavan”, said Sri Raghavan.
A system of rendering songs in a prescribed way was devised. Sri Raghavan has now come to be known as Guruji. Under his guidance, a method of conducting Thiruppugazh Isai was developed. When the beautiful verses of Arunaginatha Swamigal acquired the sound of music, it became a wonderful form of prayer. Everyone took part in the bhajan, the talented and less talented, to convey the prayer in one voice. It became a spontaneous outpouring of devotion. The Thiruppugazh Isai Vazhipadu was held in Uttara Swami Malai temple and Sankara Kendra at Delhi, the Chembur Murugan temple at Mumbai, Ved Bhawan at Kolkata, Kundrathur temple near Chennai, Annarpurneswari temple at Coimbatore and at many other halls. Among the distinguished personalities who took the glory of Thiruppugazh to Himalayan height, special mention must be made of Sri G. Balasubramanian, Mumbai, popularly kown as ‘Thiruppugazh Mama’, a direct disciple of Guruji Sri A.S. Raghavan.
Many Sabhas and Associations felicitated him for the exemplary services he has done in expounding Thiruppugazh in Maharashtra region. When Balu Mama sings, he is so deeply involved that he forgets the environment, forgets himself and transport the audience to a new world of devotion, knowledge and happiness. It was clear that Thiruppugazh Anbargal were making waves. The overwhelming participation of devotees in classes and recitals was sufficient indication that Thiruppugazh culture was set to scale new heights. In the year 1975, a grand Thiruppugazh festival was organized at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, wherein many scholars have participated and many research papers were submitted.
Many Sabhas and Associations felicitated him for the exemplary services he has done in expounding Thiruppugazh in Maharashtra region. When Balu Mama sings, he is so deeply involved that he forgets the environment, forgets himself and transport the audience to a new world of devotion, knowledge and happiness. It was clear that Thiruppugazh Anbargal were making waves. The overwhelming participation of devotees in classes and recitals was sufficient indication that Thiruppugazh culture was set to scale new heights. In the year 1975, a grand Thiruppugazh festival was organized at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, wherein many scholars have participated and many research papers were submitted.
Guruji, as he is affectionately known, has performed Thiruppugazh recitals and Valli Kalyanam at many places in India and abroad. Wherever he performed, devotees assembled in large number to immerse themselves in the shower of music. Among the dignitaries who turned up to hear him, one could spot Tamil litterateur, Ki Va Jagannathan or Seetha Ravi, Editor of Kalki. As Thiruppugazh movement gained momentum, it needed an administrative framework, which also Guruji helped to build. Among the many dignitaries who attended Guruji’s Bhajan and lent overwhelming support to his Thiruppugazh movement, special mention must be made of former President of India, late Sri R. Venkataraman.
Sri Raghavan is married to Smt. Janaki. Hailing from a village in Tirunelveli District, Smt. Janaki is a lady of high virtue and devotion. She did not find it difficult to adjust to the devotional life of her husband as she wholeheartedly shared his commitment and dedication. She herself was deeply moved by the power of Thiruppugazh and she took active part in Thiruppugazh recitals. Just as the Thiruppugazh song of Sri Raghavan, set in concordant notes of Thala, progresses in perfect rhythm, the life of Sri Raghavan with Sri Janaki moves forward in perfect harmony melodiously. Looking at the portrait of Sri Raghavan and Sri Janaki, naturally one visualizes the image of Lord Sri Ramachandra and Smt. Sita Devi.
A perfectionist by temperament, an ardent devotee Sri Ramana Bhagavan and one who has travelled extensively, Sri Raghavan is an affable and pleasing personality. He always stressed the point that a Thiruppugazh bhajan is a collective prayer, where the individual merges with the whole. There is no distinction of any sort and all devotees are one before God. Guruji always emphasises the three qualities the devotees should cultivate: anbu (love) avirodha (free from negativism) and thondu (service). “True devotion would help one to cultivate these values“, he often used to say.
Recipient of titles like “Thiruppugazh Thondar” from Sri Abhinava Vidyathirtha Swamigal of Sringeri Mutt, ‘Bhaktha Ratna” from Swami Chidanandji Maharaj of Sivananda Ashram, Guruji ’s contribution in creating a spiritual awakening and Muruga worship has been appreciated by heads of mutts, men of letters and great musicians. He was conferred the title "Guhasri" in the presence of Thava Thiru Nataraja Sivacharya Swamigal and other distinguished personalities during the Valli Kalyana Mahotsavam at Palani. “If Thiruppugazh occupies a prime position among devotional literature and is adopted as a way of life by Muruga devotees today, it is largely due to the selfless service rendered by Guruji”, said Sri Sundararajan, an ardent devotee of Muruga in Bangalore.
“Guruji was instrumental in organizing the 600th birth anniversary of Sri Arunagirinathar on a grand scale. Again, it was as a result of the initiative taken by him, the Government of India has released a postal stamp in honour of the saint of Tiruvannamalai, Sri Arunagirinathar. In recognition of the various services he has done in expounding the cause of Thiruppugazh, Guruji has been conferred with the title “Thiruppugazh Chakravarthy”, added Sri Sundararajan.
“Guruji was instrumental in organizing the 600th birth anniversary of Sri Arunagirinathar on a grand scale. Again, it was as a result of the initiative taken by him, the Government of India has released a postal stamp in honour of the saint of Tiruvannamalai, Sri Arunagirinathar. In recognition of the various services he has done in expounding the cause of Thiruppugazh, Guruji has been conferred with the title “Thiruppugazh Chakravarthy”, added Sri Sundararajan.
Though the Eternal Reality is one, in his song, (‘Or Uruvakiya’) Arunagirinathar said that the Brahman appears as three (Moovvathayinai), meaning thereby the manifestation as Brahma, the Creator, Vishnu, the Protector and Siva, the Destroyer. We find triads (Trimurthis), Sri Thyagaraja Bhagawathar, Shyama Saastrigal and Muthuswamy Deekshithar in the field of Carnatic music and Sri Bhodendra Saraswathi Swamigal, Sridhara Ayyaval, Marudhanallur Sri Sadguru Swamigal in the field of Nama Sangeerthanam. Similarly, we find Trimurties in the field of Thiruppugazh also like Sri Sachidananda Swamigal, Sri Chengalvaraya Pillai and Guruji Sri A.S. Raghavan. Sri Sachidananda Swamigal dedicated his entire life for highlighting the value and importance of Thiruppugazh. If Sri Chengalvaraya Pillai had not put in his efforts in locating the Thiruppugazh songs and done extensive research on the subject, it is doubtful whether Thiruppugazh would have got such prominence. His research book, “Arunagirinathar Varalarum, Nool Araichiyum” is considered as a rare treasure (Pokkisham) by Muruga devotees. However, these verses had to wait over five centuries to bloom in splendor till Guruji Sri Raghavan gave the songs the sound of music and taken the glory to all parts of India and abroad. While Vallimalai Sri Sachidananda Swamigal highlighted Thiruppugazh as Gjanamrutham (the nectar of knowledge), Sri Raghavan focused it as Ganamrutham (the nectar of music).
“When Sri Raghavan sings, the music originates from the soul and flows through his heart. Just as Lord Krishna graced the voice of Meera and Jayadevar, Lord Muruga too had blessed the voice of Guruji”, said Sri N.V. Vaidyanathan, disciple of Sri Balasubramanian, Mumbai. Sri Vaidyanathan is conducting over five classes at different places in a week in Coimbatore.
Thiruppugazh and Muruga worship go hand in hand. It is believed that Muruga worship is never complete without a Thiruppugazh rendering. When a description is given about a Muruga temple, quite often the temple is referred as one visited by saint Arunagirinthar. When a music recital is held, invariably a song from Thiruppugazh is included. Muruga devotees and Thiruppugazh have become synonymous and the two are inseparable. Guruji Raghavan and Thiruppugazh are so inalienably linked that it is impossible to think of one without the other. The growth of Thiruppugazh into a new powerful movement and the growth of Sri Raghavan into an enlightened Guru happened almost simultaneously.
The Thiruppugazh movement which Guruji initiated goes by the name of Thiruppugazh Anbargal who dedicate themselves to worship Muruga with the garland of Thiruppugazh songs. They are all united by the common bond of love and devotion. Apart from Thiruppugazh classes, Thiruppugazh recitals on the occasion of Thaipoosam and Panguni Utthiram, Valli Kalyanam based exclusively from the songs of Arunagirinathar, jubilee celebrations are conducted by Thiruppugazh Anbargal.
The land mark events in respect of Thiruppugazh are many and the one worth mentioning is the Golden Jubilee celebrations held in 2008. One can be a guest quite too often but the honour of being a host comes very rarely in life. That too, the honour of hosting a grand spectacle of Thiruppugazh Golden Jubilee comes once in a life time. Bangalore Anbargal were blessed enough to organize such an event in a spectacular manner.
மற்றும் திருப்புகழ் அன்பர்கள் வரலாறு என்ற தலைப்பில்ஒரு ஆவண குறும் படத்தொகுப்பை தில்லி அருளாளர் கணேஷ் சுந்தரம் செவ்வனே தயாரித்து .பெங்களூரில் நடைபெற்ற அமைப்பின் பொன் விழா தருணத்தில் ஒளிபரப்பினார். அதன் UTUBE வடிவத்தின் குறியீடு
முருகா சரணம்
முருகா சரணம்